
Getting started with AnteRedact

AnteRedact is designed to make anonymization as easy as possible.

This is a guide about assisted redaction.


Go to and select AnteRedact in the login menu 


go directly to

Uploading a document

Navigate to the Upload page using the left menu.

Once there simply drag-and-drop documents or open the file selector.

List of uploaded documents (Documents tab)

Documents list

Once uploaded you can see all documents on the Documents page.

While you’re working with a document the status indicator will show “Processing” or “In review”.

Once finally redacted, the indicator shows “Redacted”.

Viewing a document

The status is “In review”. Now what?

When the document is “In review” you can view and edit the document by clicking the Edit tool (Pen icon).

Download document(s)

You can download the documents individually 


select multiple using the column selector and clicking Download.

Editor: Using the toolbar


When you’ve opened a document you can see the toolbar above the document.

In the toolbar you’ll find tools to change the document view, such as zoom in/zoom out and pagination. In addition you’ll find the following buttons:

  1. Approve button that saves the document and completes the redaction.
  2. Save button that saves the current version of the document and redaction suggestions.
  3. Area redaction button that is used to mark entire areas for redaction, such as pictures or whole text paragraphs.
  4. Search button that activates the search bar to look for text in the document. Use  Ctrl+F as a shortcut if the button is hidden.

Using the entity menu

The entity menu to the left contains all entities suggested by AnteRedact.

  • All entities are grouped by type, e.g., Person, Address, etc.
  • Every row shows the name, number of occurrences, and alias
  • Group entities: if grouping is enabled, all occurrences of a person will be grouped. Expand the group by clicking the arrow
  • Highlight entity: clicking an occurrence activates the search function and highlights it
  • Move entity: if an entity is placed in the wrong group, you can drag-and-drop the entity to the correct location
  • Edit alias (1): the alias can be edited by clicking the Gear Icon
  • Deletion (2): all entities in the menu will be redacted. If you don’t want to redact an entity, simply delete it by clicking the Trash Icon
  • The Preview toggle (3): show a preview of how the document will look with redactions applied

Adding entities or correcting errors

If you need to modify the suggestions by AnteRedact or correct errors you have multiple options.  


Adding a text redaction

Simply select the text in the document.

A menu will appear where you can select the entity type and add an alias.

Note that all occurrences of the selected text will be added for redaction.

The selection will then be added to the entity menu.

Redacting pictures, paragraphs and other areas

Even if you can’t select any text, you’ll always be able to get the job done using Area redaction.

Click the “Area redaction” at the top right and select the area to redact. 

Note that area redactions are not added to the entity menu.

All set!

Remember to hit the Approve button once your are done!

If you have problems or questions, you can always contact one of our employees at